How it all started...
A Heritage to Honor… Neuse Baptist Church
In 1958, we started in a small rented house in the community of Mount Vernon Park in Kinston. A new Baptist church — born and established. God had placed this need on the hearts of seven people, whose number soon increased to fourteen. In 1959, we purchased the Wooten property, on Vernon Avenue, with a spacious lot and a two-story house. Soon more space was needed and a wood frame sanctuary was built, and dedicated in May of 1962. By 1965, our need for more space increased again. We made plans for a brick sanctuary and educational building. This building was dedicated in March of 1966. Throughout the years, many additions and renovations have been completed. The growth of our church membership and ministries is exciting! With the need for larger buildings and the desire to continue to serve God, our gracious Lord and Savior has provided. Once again, God has given a vision, a need, and most of all, He has given us desire.

Expanding the vision...
On January 29, 2006, 20.6 acres of land on Barrus Road in LaGrange was dedicated for the purpose of building a new facility. Those in attendance were looking at a run-down farm house, but they were dedicating the land to a mission for Christ. A Building Oversight Ministry has been formed to manage all aspects of planning and construction. Our church family continues to work together toward the goal of a new church facility to reach a new community for Christ. An architect is hired and plans have been designed. We are now striving to reach the benchmarks provided by our Building Oversight Ministry to begin construction on our new facility.
Where we are headed...
We are heading in a direction that only God can take us. We strive to build a community where its members are a part of a bigger purpose. We do this by fulfilling the Great Commission—"And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15).

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:45 am.