Our Soul waits for the lord; he is our help and our shield.

—Psalm 33:20


Neuse Baptist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services! We hope to see you there.

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Upcoming Events

Planning to visit our church? We understand that arriving at a new place can be nerve-wracking but we want to make your experience welcoming and comfortable.  Our congregation is excited to welcome you to our church family. We have a dedicated hospitality ministry that is ready to greet you with open arms.
Our upcoming events section is the perfect place to discover new experiences, connect with your community, and create lasting memories. With a variety of events to choose from and regular updates, you'll never run out of things to do. So why not check it out and start planning your next adventure today?

Latest Sermon

Looking for inspiration and guidance on your spiritual journey? Look no further than our online sermon library! With a wide range of topics and speakers, our sermons offer a unique perspective on faith and life. Whether you're a long-time member or a first-time visitor, our online library is the perfect way to stay connected and engaged with our community. So why wait? Explore our collection today and discover the wisdom and inspiration you've been searching for!

Service Times

We are a multi-location church. We have services at Barrus Road Outreach (B.R.O.) and the Vernon Avenue Fellowship (V.A.F.)

Sunday Mornings (B.R.O.)*


Sunday Mornings (V.A.F.)

10:45 am

Wednesday Evenings (V.A.F.)

*Weather permitting, If needed, B.R.O. service are sometimes moved to the V.A.F. location due to weather and other natural causes.*

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